Zhiyun Magnetic LED Fill Light for Zhiyun Smooth 5
  jpc@jpckemang.com   021-7180487

Gimbal Stabilizer And Rigs

Zhiyun Magnetic LED Fill Light for Zhiyun Smooth 5

Rp 699.000   Rp 650.000 Warranty: Garansi Resmi 1 Tahun
Promo :
  • Discount Rp 49.000

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Specification :

  • Special Design for Zhiyun Smooth 5 & Smooth X2

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This Magnetic Fill Light for Smooth 5 can be attached to both ends of the phone clamp on Smooth 5. Small body but can provide enough light.

Kindly note this small light has no battery and switch, which means it can't be powered on unless you connect it to the Smooth 5 thru its magnetic contact.

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