Jual Maxell CR2032 Battery dengan harga terjangkau
  jpc@jpckemang.com   021-7180487

Battery Kancing

Maxell CR2032 Battery

Rp 20.000 Warranty: Non Warranty

Specification :

  • 3 Volt

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Wide Applications :

watches, clocks, hearing aid, calculators, electronics, games, cameras, audio equipment, data acquisition systems, electronics communication devices, indsutrial monitors / controls, switch board, transceivers and radios medical equipment remote keyless entry, security devices memory back up.

Baterai Cmos CR2032 (3V) Micro Lithium Cell

Baterai Kancing CR2032, ini cocok digunakan pd produk :

- CMOS komputer

- Tomsis ( Bluetooth Remote Shutter )

- Thermometer Infrared digital merk : Harmed,Vinmed,doctory plus,York,dll

- Timbangan Badan Digital merk : Camry,Gea,Transtek Body Fat,dll

- Dan produk2 digital lainnya.

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