Canon EOS R10 Body Only Mirrorless Camera
JPC   021-7180487


Canon EOS R10 Body Only Mirrorless Camera

Rp 17.999.000   Rp 16.999.000 Warranty: Resmi 2 Tahun Canon Datascrip
Promo :
  • Promo Canon Rp 1.000.000

Periode :
04 Maret - 02 April 2025

Specification :

  • 24.2MP APS-C CMOS Sensor
  • Dual Pixel CMOS AF II
  • 4K30 Video, 4K60 with Crop; HDR-PQ
  • 23 fps E. Shutter, 15 fps Mech. Shutter
  • 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
  • 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen LCD
  • Multi-Function Shoe, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
  • Include:
  • 1x Canon EOS R10 Mirrorless Camera
  • 1x Canon LP-E17 Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
  • 1x Canon LC-E17 Charger
  • 1x Canon R-F-5 Camera Cover
  • 1x ER-R10 Camera Strap
  • 1x ER-SC2 Shoe Cover
  • 1x Manual Book
  • 1x Kartu Garansi Resmi

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The EOS R10 is perfect for content creators looking to take their creativity to the next level. Featuring a high-speed shooting 15 FPS mechanical shutter1,2, a 24.2 Megapixel CMOS (APS-C) sensor, and lightning fast autofocus, the EOS R10 camera brings some of the best features from the growing EOS R Series to a sleek, lightweight design.


Photographers with EOS R10
EOS R10 Camera Front View with Open Screen
Introducing the Canon EOS R10

Capture sharp photos and video

Offering high sensitivity, nuanced image quality, and fast overall performance, a 24.2 Megapixel CMOS (APS-C) sensor delivers stunning resolution to fast-action photos taken day or night. Plus, the efficient DIGIC X advanced image processor powers 4K video capture and reduces noise, so you can continuously shoot without worrying about capturing the shot.

EOS R10 Sample Image of Shaved Ice

Full features, sleek design

The easy-to-carry EOS R10 packs advanced features into a lightweight, compact design. Pair with a Canon RF-S/RF lens (or EF/EF-S lens using the Mount Adapter EF-EOS R*) for a high-performance setup that fits easily and comfortably in your hand.

Photographer Holding an EOS R10

Capture fast-moving subjects in brilliant detail

With a high-speed shooting 15 FPS mechanical shutter1,2, the EOS R10 can capture the perfect moment between your subject’s movement. This is ideal for dynamic action photos such as sports, animals, cars - or life just as it happens.

EOS R10 High Speed Shooting Sample with Skateboarders

Smart, speedy autofocus

Canon's Dual Pixel CMOS AF technology with people, animal3, and vehicle subject detection lets you keep your eye on the action while it keeps your subject in crystal clear focus.

EOS R10 Fast Autofocus Sample with Surfer Walking on a Beach
EOS R10 Sample Clips of Friends being Shown

Record each clip over 30 minutes

Set up your video without worrying about it stopping after 30-minutes.4

EOS R10 Sample Clips of Surfers being Shown

Optimized for video

Get professional-grade 4K video on-the-go with Movie Servo AF, an autofocus system that includes subject detection and subject tracking for quicker shooting and a stronger focus.

Compatibility with full range of Canon RF-S, RF, EF, EF-S mounts*

Backwards compatible, future proof. Enjoy full compatibility with Canon’s legendary line up of lens past, present and future.

EOS R10 Being Held

The Canon EOS R10: A Great Camera For Starting Your Photography Business

Wedding photographer Grace Torres reviews the Canon EOS R10 mirrorless camera and shares why this is a great camera for starting your photography business. Watch as she takes the R10 and a few RF lenses on some of her sessions and see how the equipment does!

Mode AFOne-Shot AF, Servo AF
Pemilihan Titik AFSpot AF, 1-point AF, Expand AF area (atas/bawah/kiri/kanan atau sekeliling), Flexible Zone AF 1 / 2 / 3, Whole area AF (AF Seluruh area)
Titik Sistem AFHingga 651 AF frame zones (zona bingkai)
Built-in FlashTersedia
Jarak Fokus Terdekat (cm)-
Kecepatan Pemotretan Bersinambungan (bidikan per detik) (Hingga)Rana mekanis & Tirai ke-1 Elektronik: 15
Rana elektronik: 23
Zoom Digital-
Dimensi (Tidak Termasuk Bagian yang Menonjol) (mm) (Kira-kira)122,5 x 87,8 x 83,4
Drive System-
ISO EfektifStills: 100–32,000 (H:51,200)
Movie: 100–12,800
Film HDR PQ: ISO 100-12,800
Pixel Efektif (Pixel)24,2
Exposure Compensation (Kompensasi Pencahayaan)±3 stops in 1/3-stop or 1/2-stop increments AEB: ±3 stops in 1/3-stop or 1/2-stop increments
Eye Detection AFPendeteksian mata Manusia dan Hewan (Semua AF mode)
Mode FlashE-TTL II flash metering: Evaluative (Face Priority), Evaluative, Average
Panjang Fokus (Setara dengan 35mm)-
Nomor Panduan ISO 100 meter6
Resolusi Gambar6000×4000 (JPEG L/RAW/C-RAW/HEIF)
3984×2656 (HEIF, JPEG M)
2976×1984 (HEIF, JPEG S1)
2400×1600 (HEIF, JPEG S2)
In-body Image Stabilizer (sensor shift IS)Tidak tersedia
Monitor LCD (Ukuran) (Inci)3,0
Resolusi Monitor LCD (titik)1,04 juta
Fokus ManualYa
Tipe Kartu MemoriSingle Card Slot (SD, SDHC*, SDXC*)
*Kompatibel dengan kartu UHS-II
Mode PengukuranStills: Evaluative, Partial, Spot, Center-pembobotan rata-rata
Movie: Evaluative (apabila wajah terdeteksi), Center-pembobotan rata-rata (apabila tidak ada wajah yang terdeteksi)
Movie Digital IS  Tersedia
Format Movie (Film)MP4
Optical Image StabilizerTidak tersedia
Zoom Optik-
Daya OpsionalAC Power (AC Adapter AC-E6N dan DC Coupler DR-E18)
Koneksi PeriferalUSB Type-C (setara Hi-Speed USB (USB 2.0), Microphone IN eksternal, HDMI micro (Type D), Remote control (N3)
Tipe ProsesorDIGIC X
Ukuran SensorAPS-C CMOS
Mode PemotretanA+/Special scene mode (Mode Pemandangan Khusus)/Creative filters (Filter Kreatif)/Fv/P/Tv/Av/M/B/C1/C2
Rentang Kecepatan Rana (Detik)Stills:
Tirai ke-1 Mekanis / Elektronik: 30 - 1/4000
Rana elektronik: 30 - 1/16000

Perekaman movie:
Auto exposure (Pencahayaan Otomatis): 1/25* - 1/4000,
Manual exposure (Pencahayaan manual): 1/8* - 1/4000
*Bervariasi menurut mode pemotretan dan frame rate
Silent ShutterYa
Catu Daya StandarLP-E17
Format Gambar Tak-GerakJPEG, HEIF, RAW, C-RAW
Cakupan Jendela Bidik (Kira-kira)100%
Tipe Jendela Bidik0,39-inch OLED, sekitar 2,36 juta titik
59,94/119,88fps Refresh Rate
Bobot (g) (Termasuk baterai dan kartu memori) (Kira-kira)429
White BalanceAuto (Ambience priority / White priority), Daylight, Shade, Cloudy (Efektif untuk suasana subuh dan senja hari), Tungsten light, cahaya Neon Putih, Flash*, Custom, tersedia fitur Pengaturan suhu warna (sekitar 2500–10000 K) White balance shift dan white balance bracketing
*Memungkinkan untuk melakukan transmisi informasi suhu warna Lampu Kilat (EX / EL Series Speedlite)
X-sync (detik)Rana mekanis: 1/200
Tirai ke-1 elektronik: 1/250

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